Menu for Sessions

For Adults

The initial session with a consultation is between an hour and an hour and a half in person , maybe shorter over the phone.
It starts with a short health review questionnaire, a postural survey and a life stress assessment.
Before and after pictures are taken (in person ) to show you what postural changes have occurred with the alignment.
CIA-The Central Inner Alignment is a way to balance the brain's hemispheres and relieve you from shock and stress from everyday life. Therefore,you are left feeling clear-headed, connected, present, and joyful. It includes the Vibrational Touch- VT, which gently and rapidly relieves muscular spasms and pain.

For Adults: Initial Consultation & Alignment including CIA & VT
Approx: 1.5 hours.

Regular Session / The Central Inner Alignment - CIA  and Vibrational Touch- VT  especially designed for muscle spasm relief and pain relief.
will help you maintain your brain and body balance. Each alignment builds on the previous one, and 3 to 4 alignments may be needed to completely experience this wonderful effect in your life.
A good rule of thumb, is for each year you have been out of alignment, is to have an alignment once a week for the equivalent number of months .
For help with more chronic physical and emotional concerns, or to increase the effectiveness of your first CIA/VT. You are encouraged to enjoy an alignment at least once a month.
Please read the testimonials of clients who have seen their lives change and improve through this amazing work! 45 minutes

12 years or younger:

Initial Consultation & Alignment including CIA & VT
Approx: 1 hour

Follow-up CIA /VT Session

12 years or younger
Sessions For Helping Animals*:

The initial session with a consultation about an hour .
CIA-The Central Inner Alignment is a way to balance the brain's hemispheres and relieve your animal from shock and stress in their life. Calmness and peace will be present for your animal after the alignment.
It includes the Vibrational Touch- VT, which gently and rapidly relieves muscular spasms and pain.

For Animals: Initial Consultation and communication with your animal & Alignment Session including CIA & VT Approx:1 hour.

For Animals: Follow-up Alignment Session including CIA & VT Approx:45 min

Work can be done in person or over WhatsApp or Messenger.
Remote work is done upon agreement.​

Paola  Wilson B.Ed. B.A.S.
 Body Alignment Specialist


for an appointment
in person or over the phone.

You'll wonder why you waited !       
Paola Wilson

​It's Time To Align !

Probably one of the best feeling you can have is to feel the ground beneath your feet and the fog lift from your mind.
Call or  come and  experience in person the Central Inner Alignment and Vibrational Touch.
It is Your Time to ALIGN!

CIA-The Central Inner Alignment is a way to balance the brain's hemispheres and relieve you from shock and stress from everyday life. Therefore,you are left feeling clear-headed, connected, present, and joyful.

It includes the Vibrational Touch, which gently and rapidly relieves muscular spasms and pain. 
Vibrational Touch is the opportunity to relieve muscle pain in a gentle and NEW way different from anything you will have experienced before.

This work is gratefully shared with you, please remember to make your payment promptly so Paola can continue to do this work and help her clients near and far!
A card reading and channeling Session is approximately 45-60 minutes long.

​TriSynergetic Process Session:

The prerequisite for the TSP session is the completion of an initial session (CIA or BEB) and one regular or at the end of six sessions so that people know how to comprehend, befriend, and process their emotions. SEE SESSIONS.

All TSP sessions are done over the phone.
Please use a HEADSET OR SPEAKER PHONE if possible so your hands are free.​

​​BioEmotional Balancing Session:

This hour session is for more chronic emotional or physical problems. It includes working with the German New Medicine, which is founded on the scientific evidence of Dr. Ryke Hamer in proving that disease is caused by a specific biological shock conflict.
​ Paola assists people is discovering the shock and resolving it. The CIA is included as it helps to relieve the physical shock itself. As an empath, Paola also helps people to understand and honor what they are truly feeling and thinking, which comprises our state of energy and being.
​The core mind pattern can be uncovered which reveals habitual beliefs about oneself and the world. Clients learn that they always have a choice in how they think and feel, and can change them at anytime. What you can feel, you can heal.