Paola  Wilson B.Ed. B.A.S.
 Body Alignment Specialist

Paola Wilson

As a Body Alignment Specialist, Paola helps clients who experience physical and emotional pain in their lives, by relieving shock and their pain through energetic alignments ( CIA and VT ) as well work with them to Address patterns in their lives arising from their life's experiences .

Deep emotional work can be done through the techniques of Bio Emotional Balancing BEB  and the Trisynergetic Process TSP once the client has had a half dozen alignments or so. This is where addictions and deeply rooted patterns are addressed in sometimes and often, life-changing Sessions.​​
AmazingTestimonials  are available on this site and are added  periodically​. Helping children is also dear to Paola.

​You can read about Paola's personnal journey in healing and about her long-time mentor and dear friend, Carla Muth, who from 2005 , inspired her and shared all of her incredible wisdom and blessed her with the responsibility of perpetuating and continuing this work before passing away in 2013.​​

Sharing her energetic gift with you, through​​ all the branches of her creativity and talents, is her life's purpose.
​Bioalignhealing and Bioalignreadings are her pages on Facebook.

As a writer, following a twenty-five year  career in Education, the 42 books she created and channeled for the sole purpose of helping teachers enhance and improve the teaching of reading and writing​​ in French and in English, are available here for purchase.Video samples are available by clicking of the cover of each book on this page: Succès au primaire avec Paola is the French version of Primary Success. After the retirement of a dear friend and colleague, Jean Roberts of Primary Success Publications, Paola continues to make her books available for purchase to those who request them for themselves and their students. Books are available in limited hard copies ( prices available by emailing Paola )  and also available in PDF version  through email.

To order books, email.​
You can see and hear Paola on her YouTube Station: SuccesdePaola.​


